Iowa State University Advanced Grain Elevator Operations Management Course - GEAPS

Iowa State University Advanced Grain Elevator Operations Management Course - GEAPS

Feb 21, 2022 - 8:00 AM
to Feb 25, 2022 - 11:30 AM

Dedicate a week of mornings to this virtual training course and discover ways to increase profits at your plant by managing grain quality to reduce spoilage and avoid costly waste. The course is offered 8-11:30 a.m. Central Standard Time, February 21-25.  

Taught by experts at the Iowa Grain Quality Initiative, this course will provide participants with tools and techniques to start using right away.  

Losing grain to spoilage is expensive and unnecessary. How would your plant benefit if you and your frontline staff were fully trained? A $450 investment will likely reap thousands in savings! Talk about a smart business decision! 

This course is open to anybody, although space is limited to 30 participants. Do not wait too long to register, these seats are being offered on a first come, first serve basis. GEAPS membership is not required, however GEAPS members benefit from several educational, safety driven and bottom dollar protecting opportunities all year long!  Make an investment in yourself by becoming a member, or perhaps consider a Facility membership.