Extension and Industry & International Outreach

The purpose of the International Grain & Feed Industry Academy at Iowa State University is to develop and deliver Extension and Industry & International Outreach programs in support of the Iowa (and global) grain, feed and animal industries.

The domestic focus of the Academy is to develop and deliver ISU Extension program offerings to Iowa farmers, grain handlers, feed manufacturers, ethanol processors, soybean crushers, and allied equipment and service suppliers. Efforts include innovative and relevant workshops and short courses, continuing education programs, practical hands-on training, technology and best practices demonstrations, technical assistance, and professional credentialing onsite, off-site and virtually. Collaborators include ISU County Extension educators, Iowa Pork Industry Center, Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, ISU Center for Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS), Agribusiness Association of Iowa (AAI), Grain & Feed Association of Illinois (GFAI), American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), National Grain & Feed Association (NGFA), other industry and commodity associations, government agencies, companies, and other universities.

The international focus of the Academy is on enhancing the market preference, consumption and utilization of Iowa (and U.S.) corn, soybean and their value-added products for the global grain, feed and animal industries. Efforts include innovative and relevant continuing education and technical assistance programs to strengthen and enhance agricultural trade linkages, develop agricultural systems and value chains, and improve global food and nutrition security. Collaborators include ISU County Extension educators, Iowa Pork Industry Center, Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, ISU Center for Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS), Agribusiness Association of Iowa (AAI), Grain & Feed Association of Illinois (GFAI), American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), National Grain & Feed Association (NGFA), Grain Elevator & Processing Society (GEAPS), other industry and commodity associations, government agencies, companies, and other universities.


Recent workshops, short courses and hands-on training topics have included:

· Advances in Feed Technology (Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics)

· Aqua Feed Manufacturing

· Ethanol Production, DDGS and Co-Products Utilization

· Extrusion Technology

· Feed Mash Conditioning, Hygienizing and Pelleting Processes

· Feed Safety and Quality Management

· FSMA Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) Certification

· Grain Entrapment Prevention and Rescue

· Grains, Co-Products and Ingredients Storage, Monitoring and Management

· Grinding, Mixing and Batching Processes

· Materials Handling and Equipment Maintenance

· Mill Operations Management

· Regulatory Compliance

· Steam Generation, Distribution, Utilization and Control


Our faculty, staff and industry collaborators are internationally recognized experts in storage, handling, transportation, purchasing, risk mitigation, operations management, processing, equipment maintenance, nutrition and utilization of U.S. grains, oilseeds and their value-added products. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss your training, market development and technical assistance needs. For more information contact Dr. Dirk E. Maier or Camille Schroeder (feedmill@iastate.edu)

Academy Faculty and Content Experts

Dr. Dirk E. Maier, Professor & Director – Grain Handling, Drying & Storage; Feed Technology; Bulk Materials & Ingredients Handling

Ms. Camille Schroeder, Associate Director – Programs Coordination; Course Registrations; Business Administration

Ms. Esther Akoto, Lecturer – Quality Control; Feed Safety; Regulatory Compliance; Risk Management; Hazard Analysis & Preventive Controls; FSMA PCQI Certified

Mr. Anthony (Tony) Ewing, Senior Lecturer – Feed Technology; Mill Management; Equipment Maintenance; Mill Automation & Control; FSMA PCQI Certified

Mr. David Fairfield, Senior Lecturer – Feed Safety; Regulatory Compliance; Risk Management; Hazard Analysis & Preventive Control; FSMA PCQI Animal Food Trainer

Mr. Robert Marlow, Senior Lecturer – Grain Operations Management; Bulk Materials & Ingredients Handling; Equipment Maintenance

Dr. Gretchen Mosher, Professor – Feed Safety; Regulatory Compliance; Risk Management; Hazard Analysis & Preventive Controls; FSMA PCQI Animal Food Trainer

Dr. George Obeng-Akrofi, Lecturer – Feed Technology; Bulk Materials & Ingredients Handling; Monitoring & Measurement Technology; Mill Automation & Control; FSMA PCQI Certified

Dr. Kurt Rosentrater, Professor – Grain Handling, Drying & Storage; Extrusion & Bio Processing; DDGS & Co-Products Handling

Mr. Younus Sabbir, Lecturer – Grain Handling, Drying & Storage; Bulk Materials & Ingredients Handling; Monitoring & Measurement Technology